Shabreah's Questions and Answers

What is a game you are currently playing or have recently finished? (you could list maybe your favorite game, could be an app game or any type of game!)

A game I have recently started playing is Resident Evil. I am scared to play this game alone.

What is a big achievement that you achieved during quarantine or want to?

I have started to read more during quarantine.

Do you have good posture right now?

No I do not.

Do you often question if the amount of clothes you buy a month is reasonable?

Yes, multiple times a month. We are in quarantine with no where to go but I am still buying clothes.

Which do you prefer if you like to eat meat: Hunting or Farming?

I prefer farming.

What's the happiest moment in your life?

The happiest moment of my life was when my niece was born.

What is your favorite book series?

I don't have a favorite book series.

Did you drink water today and why not?

I have drank a couple sips of water today actually.

what’s your favorite cartoon character?

My favorite cartoon character is spongebob.

Adidas or Nike?


If you could ask a question of anyone (living or dead), whom would you ask and what would the question be?

I would ask my 10 year old self what makes me truly happy.

Have you ever created fan art, fanfiction, or remixed music from a piece of media you like?

No have not but I would like to.

Disregarding money as a factor, what would your dream job be?

A traveling Photographer or food blogger.

if you could change one thing from your culture, what would it be?

Be more accepting to different beliefs and ways of living.

What do you do to unwind and cool down?

I usuall listen to music.

do you eat ketchup with your eggs?

No, I do not.

Can you use an adjective or a sentence to describe what makes you different from other people?


Whats a few things you have on your bucket list before moving on to the next life?

Travel overseas, skydive, cliff diving

If you could be any animal, what would it be?

I would be a black panther.

What has the pandemic made you miss the most?
